Life is a puzzle that needs to be solved by us. These days I am hoping for something important to happen in my life. It is difficult to achieve but definitely not impossible. Out of the blue this thought came into my mind and so I feel that almighty God is the driving force behind it. To achieve what I am thinking involves great risk. The personal loss I may suffer if things don’t turn out the way I want is something that I will regret for the lifetime.
God’s ways are irritating at times. He gives you a thought and plays with your mind. He tests your patience and your trust in Him. This is not the first time that He has done this with me. Making me wait has been His favorite past time. Both in personal and professional life I had been made to wait. In the past I have acted in haste. I tried to make things happen rather than putting the onus on Him. This time I am prepared to wait. On the career front things are better than expected. On the personal front, certain questions have been haunting me for a while now. The answers to which only He knows.
Today I had been to the doctor for a routine checkup and while waiting for my turn I read this statement on a poster on the wall:
“Purity, patience and Perseverance are the key ingredients for success”
This thought of mine is pure. Patience and Perseverance are two things that I need to focus on now. I am sure I will be triumphant in my endeavor. The jig-saw puzzle called life involves many pieces. Pieces concerning my personal life are the ones I am trying to sort out now. God jumbled them around and is making it difficult for me to locate the ones I require badly for finishing the puzzle. On previous occasions God gave me subtle hints. This time too He is giving me such hints. I still am not sure about relying on the hints because this time the stakes are too high.
Succeed, I will. My patience and perseverance will definitely get rewarded.
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