I am sure the topic of this post must have baffled you. Isn’t it? If yes, then please don’t be surprised. My journey to office is nothing short of a moon mission like Chandrayaan-I (Indian Space Research Organization’s unmanned moon mission). The only noticeable difference is that mine is a manned mission.
Ride to office is a smooth one till I move off Eastern Express Highway and head towards Powai. After getting down from the flyover that crosses over the Gandhinagar junction and moving some distance, I get the feeling how the surface of the moon would be like. A moon mission will be full of surprises. You will not be sure what to expect on the moon. Similarly, my journey with my Uni (My Honda Unicorn) is also full of surprises. I spend lot of time finding the road amidst pot-holes on one of the busiest stretch in Mumbai connecting the Central suburbs to the Western suburbs. Currently the road widening project is in progress; however, what rattles me is the condition of the existing road. A road that leads to IIT Powai, one of the premier technical institutes of our country is in dire states. Loose cables lie around on the road. Pot-holes compete with each other to find out who is the big daddy out there.
I think the government is preparing citizens of Mumbai and its suburbs to take up adventure sports. We spend lot of time travelling to office and hence do not get enough time to spend on adventure sports. Our government is providing us dangerous roads so that our journey is an adventurous one. You will not know when your vehicle will hit a pot-hole. The surprise element will get you the adrenaline rush that is unparallel. Come night time and the element of risk involved increases and so does the adrenaline rush. Missing street-lights add to the difficulty level. No video game can give you the thrill. The tax payers of this country will not get better value for their money. Why go to amusement parks when you get all the amusement just travelling on the road? The traffic jam at this stretch of road ensures that you squeeze out maximum entertainment.
I express my gratitude towards the government establishment responsible for this stretch of road. I would request them to continue spending tax payer’s money in pot-hole maintenance and in ensuring that no street light functions. Any contractor found filling up pot-holes or repairing street-lights should be held accountable and severely punished.
I hope I will get to enjoy a simulated journey through the moon till I am in a position to embark on an actual moon mission someday.
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