When you do not know where you are heading
Simply keep treading
The path may not be clear
but your destination might be near
Do not fear
because God is here
The journey might be tough, but keep walking
Close your eyes open your ears when HE is talking
Follow HIS advice
because HE is so very wise
All your worries you got to share
HE is someone who HAS time to care
Do not criticize HIM for his silence
instead thank HIM for his presence
The world may think you are not right
With all your might, stand up and fight
To think you are a loser is a sin
When actually you are born to win
Simply keep treading
The path may not be clear
but your destination might be near
Do not fear
because God is here
The journey might be tough, but keep walking
Close your eyes open your ears when HE is talking
Follow HIS advice
because HE is so very wise
All your worries you got to share
HE is someone who HAS time to care
Do not criticize HIM for his silence
instead thank HIM for his presence
The world may think you are not right
With all your might, stand up and fight
To think you are a loser is a sin
When actually you are born to win
Wonderful thoughts and it's very well written.... Keep up the good work ......
hey that was nice of you.
I thought it was a bit childish.
Thanks for the compliment!
So the writer has turned into a poet ha??? hehe ;) Its really nice vijit...!!! Superb... Waiting to read more such poems from u...
Trying to be a poet.
With friends like you to support and appreciate, I might end up being one........You never know............he he he
I do write poetry myself, and it is generally based on some or the other inspiration! Would like to know urs...by the way these are brilliantly written...continue writing its the best way to relive stress!
I got introduced to blogging through an orkut friend of mine. Her name is Harshu. I found blog as a good way to express my thoughts. Slowly visitors to my blog started appreciating my articles and it motivated me to take it seriously.
Another friend of mine in orkut is good at writing poems. Her poems inspired me to try my luck with poetry. So, I wrote those two poems. Also life teaches and inspires you a lot if you are willing to observe, listen and reflect upon it.
One of the blog post was just written based on a comment (follow your heart) by Sangitha when I asked her to suggest a topic for a blog post. So, you never know where your next inspiration would come from.
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